
  • 利他

    RITA Project
    ©️ Naoki Ishikawa
  • 私たちが暮らす地球は、ときとして「水の惑星」と呼ばれています。海や川の流れはもちろんのこと、あるときは蒸気として、氷として、あるいは雲となり、雨や雪というかたちで再び大地に降り注ぎ、水という物質がこの惑星全体を循環しつづけています。水は、自然と社会のあらゆる要素と絡みあう物質であり、利他というテーマとも深いかかわりをもっています。今回の新プロジェクトでは、こうした多様な広がりをもつ水に注目してみます。
    MIZU Project
    ©️ Naoki Ishikawa
  • Population

    Discussions about population issues may be common, but they can be difficult to perceive as personal concerns. However, the themes of population issues are diverse, encompassing food, resources, environmental problems, and the aging population. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that transcends specific fields. This population project aims not only to answer the question, "What is population?" but also to explore, "What can we do with the theme of population?" By doing so, it seeks to reconsider population issues from various perspectives and make them more profound but relatable to each individual in our society.
    JINKOU Project
Project Contents